You Dream It, We Deliver

Redefining Space Access

Payload | Persistence | Price

How does Space Railway work?

Using 41 technologies from our recently granted patent will provide Space Railway with unprecedented space access capability to lift over ten times more, over ten times more often, and at a cost ten times less than rocket launch systems.

Space Railway’s all-electric power solution will provide the energy to this eco-friendly space transportation that replaces dirty and dangerous rocket launches. The Space Railway concept is configurable and scalable, providing persistent multiple daily launches significantly driving cost down in delivering passengers and payload into orbit and beyond.

You Dream it, We Deliver.

Space Railway is the only viable enabler of a human space settlement and economy!

Tethered access to space uses centrifugal forces to offset gravitational forces to maintain tether tension to provide a climbing ribbon. It is similar to a ball on a string. If you spin it fast enough the ball will maintain its position at the end of the string.

Geostationary Orbit (GEO) Altitude, ~35,000 km above Earth’s surface, is the point on the tether that objects experience zero g’s. It is unique for space tourism, space manufacturing, and positioning geostationary satellites or massive solar arrays to transmit power to Earth or other places.

Beyond GEO, centrifugal forces exceed gravitational forces of Earth and send spacecraft to the Moon, Mars, or other places in the solar system. To optimize its journey through space, a spacecraft placed on the tether at a specific position will match its delta-V velocity to reach its targeted destination.

Positioning multiple spacecraft on the tether linked together as a train provides opportunities for the convoy to travel together to its destination. This provides safety and contingencies along with mass settlement capabilities that rocket solutions cannot.

Intra-Solar System Travel Benefits:

  • More fuel available for destination usage. No additional fuel is required to escape Earth’s gravitational forces.

  • Selectable departure velocities for optimal travel to solar system destinations.

  • New concepts in departure angles to offer multiple flight paths to other destinations.

Inter-Stellar System Travel Benefits:

  • Extra-long tether can produce velocities to escape solar system and augment new propulsion concepts to reach other star systems.

A Tether Lifestyle

GEO Tether Community Complex

  • Zero-g lifestyle to free float and experience what it would be like to live a long time in space.

  • Safely manufacture products for Earth only producible in zero-g’s.

  • Safely construct spacecraft and habitats for space settlement or space economy applications.

  • Training ground of personnel and equipment for space travel and asteroid mining.

Beyond GEO

  • Limited g lifestyle up to 1/10 Earth gravity mitigates some of the expected long-term physical effects of zero-g on the human body.

  • Staging bases for intra-solar system travel. Hospitality, last minute shopping, last minute change your mind.

  • Permanent launch capability for personnel and training for micro-gravity environments.